Monday 6 October 2014

ABC "How to get a 10" (Evaluation criteria)

Exam (40%)
There is one each bimonthly period. It includes vocabulary, grammar, reading and use of English exercises reviewed during the bimonthly period. “Complete First for Schools” is the main core.     

Quizzes (20%)

Three or four to evaluate every unit separately. Teacher will use it as formative assessment.

Project (15%) 
In teams teacher evaluates creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, connectivity, and culture (6 C´s – 21st Century Skills)

How to obtain a 10?

Following instructions
·       Observing specifications. 
·       Taking seriously the editing process (images, font, and layout). 
·       Showing a good command of English (Spelling, Grammar; applying different present and past forms and a wide range of vocabulary– not repeating the same word all the time!!! 
·       Creativity: using your imagination to make your project unique. Going beyond! 
·       Content: fulfilling the goals, including what is asked. 

Participation and classwork (10%)
How to obtain a 10?

Participating voluntarily, raising your hand every time you want to make a comment.
Making relevant comments to enrich the lesson.
Listening respectfully to peers and teacher when they speak.
Answering correctly to the questions. If not, at least, trying. 
Being ready, with all the material for the class, before the teacher comes in (Book, notebook, pencil case, tablet, and whatever material is needed; every time you do not have your books, notebook, or tablet ready to be used, one point will be taken from your grade). If you need to go to the locker half a point will be taken from your grade. 
Working in whatever is asked by the teacher e.g. taking notes, working in teams, etc. 
Speaking English at all times.
Not getting distracted with materials that were not asked at the moment. (Electronic devices, magazines, etc.)
Not doing an activity from a different subject.
Not interrupting the class by chatting, or commenting on topics not related to the lesson.
Every student has an eight at the beginning of each bimonthly period. It depends on you if you keep it, improve it or lower it.
Every time you are absent, except for medical situations authorised by the principal, you lose half a point. 
Failure to comply with the above-mentioned will result in the loss of one point. 

Homework / Book (10%)
How to obtain a 10?

Completing exercises in the “First for schools
Doing homework assigned to be done in the notebook or in the “First for schools
Half a point will be taken from your grade for every missing exercise in your "First for Schools" 

                                                                              Notebook (5%)

Notebook will be evaluated in teams. You ere allowed to choose your team. Be a sport and supervise your teammates, also let them supervise your work. Remember this word: "solidarity".
However, if a member refuses to work, I will take care of the situation personally, so please let me know any problem the team may have.