Sunday 23 August 2015

Class rules

CLASS RULES 2016- 2017
Mr Rubén Ortega
Student’s name:__________________                                               Date:_______________       
1.     Students must be inside the classroom with all necessary material such as: books, notebooks, electronic device (charged), and pens, when the bell rings. Stand up, be quiet, and pay attention when the teacher enters the classroom.
2.     Being late four times or more in the bimonthly period will mean you loose your right to the exam.
3.     Students will not be allowed to use their lockers after the teacher has entered the classroom. Failure to comply, will immediately mean you are late. And will eventually affect your right for the bimonthly exam.
4.     Students must speak only in English during the class. Every time you speak in Spanish your bimonthly grade (participation) will be affected.
5.     Lack of respect will not be tolerated towards the teacher or amongst students.
6.     Students must keep desks and surroundings clean at all times.
7.     Exams and handouts must be pasted to their notebooks. Exams must be signed by parent or guardian.
8.     Cheating or suspicion of cheating will mean a zero in whatever is being evaluated.
9.     Unless teacher indicates the contrary, the use of any electronic device is strictly forbidden. Taking video or photographs of classmates or teachers (without their permission) will be considered a lack of respect.
10.  Eating in class is forbidden.
11.  Chewing gum is also forbidden.
12.  When the bell rings, no one can rise from his/her desk until the teacher dismisses the class.
13.  During the school year this rules might be modified or supplemented, if necessary.
14.  No more than two students per class will be allowed to go to the toilet. If the period is right after recess (30 min) no permission will be granted. (Special cases will be considered)
_________________________                                                                           _______________________

          Parent’s signature                                                                                               Student’s signature